第3题: [单项选择]国家出资企业改制涉及______的,应当经职工代表大会或者职工大会审议通过。 A. 企业资产 B. 股权变动方案 C. 重新安置企业职工 D. 资产评估机构的选聘 参考答案:C 答案解析:企业改制涉及重新安置企业职工的,还应当制订职工安置方案,并经职工代表大会或者职工大会审议通过。
第4题: [填空题]S8 参考答案:The belief in the rule of law gees beyond the realm of politics to other areas of life that are governed by formal rules and procedures.
答案解析:Main points: Their faith in the law is not only in politics, but also in many other areas.