[填空题]A healthy life is frequently _________________________. ( 被认为与开阔的田园和自家生产的食物联系在一起)
参考答案:thought to be associated with the open countryside and homegrown food 答案解析:[考点分析] (1)考查被动语态;(2)考查固定搭配be associated with。
第1题: [单项选择]Though science is often imagined as a disinterested subject, scientists are no different from anyone else: they are ______ human beings enmeshed (陷入:卷入) in a web of personal and social circumstances.
A. vulnerable B. rational C. careless D. passionate 参考答案:D 答案解析:这也是一道词义辨析题,passionate 意为“热烈的:充满激情的”,符合题意;vulnerable adj.意为“易受攻击的.易受……的攻击”:rational adj意为“理性的,合理的,推理的
第16题: [单项选择]女性,22岁,自幼因麻疹后咳喘迁延不愈。近年来发作趋于频繁,程度亦趋严重。1周前感冒后哮喘发作一直未能缓解而住院。体检:患者神志淡漠,呼吸困难,呈端坐位,吸氧下发绀不明显。两肺满布哮鸣音,心率126次/分,律齐,有奇脉为对该患者病情作出客观估价,应立即做下列的检查是() A. 血清IgE测定 B. 血电解质测定 C. 痰细菌培养 D. 皮肤过敏原试验 E. 动脉血气分析 参考答案:E