第10题: [单项选择]All of the following operating characteristics are listed on the name-plates of motors used aboard ship except the() A. temperature rise B. input kilowatts C. horsepower D. operating voltage 参考答案:B
第19题: [单项选择]男,48岁。1年前开始逐渐出现颈后酸痛不适,双手麻木,不灵活,使用筷子困难。行走时有踩棉花感,易跌倒。查体:前臂外侧痛觉减退,四肢肌张力增高,双Hoffmann试验(+),踝阵挛(+),Babinski(+)。辅助检查:X线检查见颈5~6生理曲度消失,局部轻度后凸畸形,间隙狭窄,增生硬化;椎管矢状径15mm临床初步诊断() A. 神经根型颈椎病 B. 肌萎缩型侧索硬化症 C. 脊髓型颈椎病 D. 脊髓空洞症 E. 胸廓出口综合征 参考答案:C
第36题: [简答题]In relation to employment law, state how the courts decide whether someone is self-employed or is an employee. (10 marks) 参考答案:[*]
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