第2题: [单项选择]A. Flight 607 is preparing to depart. B. The flight was cancelled because of snow. C. Due to the bad weather, the man will have to prolong his stay in Washington. D. The plane can’t land in Washington because of the snowstorm. 参考答案:D 答案解析:[听力原文] W: Excuse me, I don’t understand why Flight 607 has been delayed. The weather seems to be
第30题: [单项选择]下列对倾听的描述,哪项是不正确的() A. 倾听不仅仅是要用耳朵来听服务对象的语言,还需要全身心地去感受对方在谈话过程中所表达的言语信息和非言语信息。 B. 倾听的意义在于调动自身的知识储备来完善讲话者的内容,从而使自己获得最大的信息量。 C. 倾听并不比说话容易。 D. 倾听就是听服务对象讲话内容。 E. 有很多服务对象不愿意向咨询人员讲述内心的真实想法,主要是因为他们发现咨询人员没有认真倾听。 参考答案:D