第19题: [多项选择]对本案中返工费的分担,下列说法正确的是________。 A. 应由甲方承担 B. 应由乙方承担 C. 应由甲、乙双方平均承担 D. 甲方应承担大部分,乙方承担小部分 参考答案:D 答案解析:本案中精糖油酸价高是由于甲方的过错造成的,但乙方未对甲方提供的原料进行检验,未尽法定义务,因而也要承担一定的责任,参见《合同法》第25条。
第25题: [单项选择]Millions of people in the Himalayas are in danger of massive earthquakes, according to scientists in the U. S. and Indi A. There are many ways of release for stress building within the earth crust such as an earthquake. RightB. WrongC. Not mentioned 参考答案:B