第9题: [单项选择]If the space animal theory is true, the creatures go down to the lower regions in order to_______. A. escape detection B. arouse curiosity C. search for man-made energy D. make contact with man 参考答案:C 答案解析:[解析]最后一段中“At night when no energy emitted from sunlight, they go down into the lower levels to searc
第19题: [单项选择]葛某,男,64岁,8天前不明原因出现小便不畅,每次排尿量少,而尿次频多,伴有腰酸背寒,天气越冷,尿次越多,以夜间为甚,每夜少则五六次,多则十余次,经口服呋喃坦啶,肌注青、链霉素治疗1周无效。既往有前列腺肥大史,其体质一般,舌苔白腻,舌质暗红,脉沉弱无力,两尺部尤甚,余无其他阳性体征。治疗本病最适合的方剂为() A. 栝蒌瞿麦丸 B. 猪苓汤 C. 五苓散 D. 金匮肾气丸 E. 茯苓戎盐汤 参考答案:A