第6题: [单项选择]患儿,男,7岁。浮肿4天,小便量小,色如浓茶,尿蛋白(++),红细胞20/HP,血压正常,血清总补体明显低于正常。其诊断是 A. 肾炎性肾病 B. 急进性肾炎 C. 急性肾炎 D. 慢性肾炎 E. 单纯性肾病 参考答案:C 答案解析:[考点评析] 病史询问注重发病年龄、性别及链球菌感染史。起病2周内必须测定血清C3。根据:①起病前1~3周有链球菌前驱感染;②水肿、少尿、高血压、血尿等临床特征;③尿常
第32题: [单项选择]Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard. A. He did not receive the New Student Packet. B. He did not read through the New Student Packet. C. The City Metro did not send an advertisement to him. D. He did not join the student union. 参考答案:B 答案解析:[听力原文] Why did the man miss the information on the Metro Pass [答案解析] 细节题。女士说在学生会欢迎新生时发给学生的信息包