第20题: [单项选择]外汇清算直通式处理STP英文全称表述为()。 A. System Transfer Processing B. System Through Processing C. Straight Transfer Processing D. Straight Through Processing 参考答案:D
第21题: [单项选择]在工程质量事故处理过程中,可能要进行必要的检测鉴定,可进行检测鉴定的单位是( )。 A. 建设单位指定的检测单位 B. 政府批准的有资质的法定检测单位 C. 总监理工程师指定的检测单位 D. 监理工程师审查批准的施工单位实验室 参考答案:B 答案解析:[解析] 在工程质量事故处理过程中,可能要进行必要的检测鉴定,检测鉴定必须委托政府批准的有资质的法定检测单位进行。
第31题: [单项选择]中国民航规章(CCAR)是(). A. 规定 B. 标准 C. 程序 D. 具有法律效力规章 参考答案:D
第32题: [多项选择]根据《劳动合同法》规定,以下情况正确的是()。 A. 经济补偿金按劳动者签订劳动合同的时间开始算,不满一年按一年计算,每满一年支付一个月工资的标准支付 B. 按劳动者在本单位工作的年限,每满一年支付一个月工资的标准。六个月以上不满一年的,按一年计算;不满六个月的,向劳动者支付半个月工资的经济补偿 C. 用人单位被吊销营业执照、责令关闭、撤销或者用人单位决定提前解散的,不用支付劳动者经济补偿金 D. 支付经济补偿的年限最高不超过十二年。 参考答案:B, D
第36题: [简答题]Topic : There have been instances of students humiliating (侮辱) their teacher at school. What do you think is the cause for such happenings 参考答案:[参考范文]
Why Students Humiliate Their Teacher
With reform of teaching method and progress of society,students’query of theirteachers are increasing,and there even have been instances of students humiliating theirteacher at sch001.This embarrassing situation has aroused tremendous arguments.I thinkits causes are manifold. For such embarrassing situation of students humiliating their teacher,I think parents of such students cannot shrink their responsib.¨ties.They may have paid too much atten tion on their businesses,and overlook moral education of their children,which caused their disrespect towards their teacher. Secondly,the responsibility also lies in our education system.Although the country is calling for quality education,the effect is not obvious.Our education is still too much ex amination oriented.Both parents and teachers have attached great importance to scores ofstudents,rather than quality and morality of students.So students think it is not impor rant whether they respect their teachers or not. To solve this problem needs efforts of parents,schools and the government.Parents must pay more attention to moral education to their children;schools must stick to the government’s policy of quality education;and the government must put the policy of quali ty education to practice.I think with joint efforts of the whole society,such embarrassing situation could be eliminated at last,and the overall quality of Chinese students will be im proved.