第2题: [单项选择]西安事变:张学良 A. 南昌起义:邓小平 B. 《水浒传》:宋江 C. 毛泽东:秋收起义 D. 兴中会:孙中山 参考答案:D 答案解析:[解析] 题干是事与人的对应关系,张学良是西安事变的发起者之一。D项,孙中山是兴中会的领导人之一,与题干相符。A项,南昌起义的领导者不是邓小平;B项是作品与人物的对应关系;C项顺序与题干不符。
第33题: [单项选择]In the third paragraph it is mentioned that by means of science ______.are analysed and studied. A. the ways in which cells formed B. changes in organic life C. the main ways in which organisms develop D. processes on which organic life depends 参考答案:D