第3题: [单项选择]有关睑板腺囊肿不正确的治疗方法是 A. 不能消退的肿块应在局麻下行手术切除 B. 早期肿块较小时可做热敷和涂用白降汞或黄降汞眼膏等 C. 一般在睑结膜面做与睑缘相平行的切口 D. 对于老年人,术后应取样做病理检查以除外睑板腺腺癌 E. 应将囊肿内容物与囊壁一起清除干净 参考答案:C
第33题: [单项选择]A. Change the topic of her research project. B. Sign up for a different political science course. C. Ask Mary to help her choose a topic. D. Take a class together with Mary, 参考答案:C 答案解析:[解析] W: The research project from my political science course on the presidency is due in just t