第12题: [单项选择]Who gave a talk at the meeting A. Two students. B. Two policemen. C. Two tourists. 参考答案:A 答案解析:[听力原文] W: Do you finish your homework M: Yes,and you
第14题: [单项选择]The ballad (is characterized) by informal diction, by a narrative largely (dependent on) action and dialogue, by thematic (intense), and by (stress) on repetition. A. is characterized B. dependent on C. intense D. stress 参考答案:C 答案解析:改为intensity。此处by引出的部分与by a narrative,by stress是平行结构,因此也应接名词。
第15题: [多项选择]下列有关颜色模式描述正确的是:() A. HSB颜色模式用色相(HuE.,饱和度(Saturation)和亮度(Bright)三个特征来描述颜色 B. Adobe Illustrator CS2中有三种颜色模式:Lab,RGB,CMYK C. Grayscale(灰度)就是使用不同浓淡的灰色来表示物体 D. 专色是预先混合好的油墨,由印刷业使用一个标准的颜色匹配系统配置 参考答案:A, C, D