第13题: [单项选择]Which of the following would NOT cause a sea cucumber to release its internal organs into the water A. A touch. B. Food. C. Unusually warm water. D. Pollution. 参考答案:B 答案解析:[解析] The most spectacular thing about the sea cucumber is the way it defends itself. Its major e
第23题: [单项选择]保健灸常用的腧穴是()。 A. 下脘 B. 建里 C. 中极 D. 气海 E. 膻中 参考答案:D 答案解析:气海主治:虚脱、形体羸瘦、脏气衰惫、乏力等气虚病证;水谷不化、绕脐疼痛、腹泻、痢疾、便秘等肠腑病证;小便不利、遗尿等泌尿系病证;遗精,阳痿,疝气;月经不调、痛经、经闭、崩漏、带下、阴挺、产后恶露不止、