第19题: [多项选择]焦炭塔冷焦时水给不上的处理方法是()。 A. 再次吹汽贯通,重新给水 B. 增开给水泵 C. 放空系统用蒸汽吹扫处理 D. 提高给水压力 参考答案:A, C
第20题: [单项选择]What would Mr. Scott firstly set about doing in the company A. Increasing workers’ salary B. Analysing jobs in order to decrease time and increase efficiency C. Making a training programme 参考答案:B 答案解析:[要点] 考查干扰信息的排除。提到“It means, for a start, analysing jobs through a firm with a view to reorganising t