第13题: [单项选择]下述围护结构的热工特性,哪一种是不正确的? A. 厚度相同时,钢筋混凝土的热阻比砖砌体小 B. 100mm厚加气混凝土(干密度为500kg/m3)的热阻比30mm厚岩棉(干密度为70kg/m3)的热阻大 C. 20mm厚水泥砂浆的热阻比20mm厚石灰砂浆的热阻小 D. 50mm厚岩棉的热阻比30mm厚岩棉的热阻大 参考答案:B 答案解析:使用导热热阻计算公式计算R=d/λ,然后进行比较。
第23题: [单项选择]______ of the financial crisis, all they could do was hold on and hope that things would improve. A. At the bottom B. At the height C. On the top D. In the end 参考答案:B 答案解析:本题题句______of the financial crisis,all they could do was hold on and hope that things would improve的意