第24题: [简答题]A. He did not know the woman has enrolled in the same course with him. B. He thought the woman has prepared well for the exam. C. He has told the woman that he had done poorly in the last exam. D. He thought the woman preferred to study alone. 参考答案: 答案解析:[听力原文] Why is the man surprised that the woman wants to study together with him
第31题: [多项选择]病历摘要:某妇,50岁,孕0产0,"月经"不规则伴白带带血3个月,有高血压史,血压158/98mmHg,尿蛋白(-),尿糖(+)。妇科检查:外阴、阴道(-),宫颈轻糜,质中,无出血,宫颈平体稍大,稍软,形态正常。下述哪项与胎儿窘迫的预防有关() A. 积极治疗妊娠合并症 B. 取仰卧位 C. 防止胎膜早破 D. 临产后合理使用镇静剂及催产素 E. 静推葡萄糖维生素C 参考答案:A, C, D, E