第3题: [单项选择]电烧伤急救时不正确的原则是() A. 立即脱离电源 B. 立即行心肺复苏 C. 必须了解触电经过及查体 D. 高压电击伤后,如病情稳定,可不必立即大量补液,以免加重心肺负担 E. 焦痂及深筋膜切开术 参考答案:D 答案解析:高压电击伤,深部组织损伤大,液体丢失严重,需大量补液,补液量为一般体表烧伤公式4倍以上。
第35题: [单项选择] Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard. A. Produce the appropriate sound. B. Press the right-hand lever first. C. Raise their heads above the water. D. Swim straight into the same tank. 参考答案:B
第37题:[单选题] The Purchaser shall ______,prior to the ship's departure,the invoiced amount at the rate of exchange applicable on the day of payment. A.give B.pay C.have D.make 参考答案:B 【参考译文】购买者应在船舶起航之前,以付款那天的兑换率按发票金额进行支付。 【解 析】prior to 在…之前 invoiced amount 发票金额