[多项选择]下列有关收入确认的表述中,符合现行会计制度规定的有( )。 A. 分期收款方式销售商品,应按合同约定的收款日期分期确认收入 B. 视同买断的代销商品销售,委托方应在收到代销清单时确认收入 C. 商品售价中包含的可区分售后服务费,应在提供服务的期间内确认为收入 D. 为特定客户开发软件收取的价款,应在资产负债表日按开发的完成程度确认收入
第31题: [单项选择]Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard. A. They like music. B. They want to say something. C. They sing for enjoyment. D. They are in a good temper. 参考答案:B 答案解析:[解析] 16-18 People usually sing because they like music or because they feel happy. They expre