第5题: [单项选择]某小区物业公司雇佣的保安在值班时与一业主发生言语冲突,进而将业主打伤,因此业主花去医疗费共5000余元。事后物业管公司将保安开除,但认为打人是保安的个人行为,公司不应赔偿。以下说法正确的是( ) A. 保安超出了职权范围,应当自己承担责任 B. 因为保安侵权是故意行为,因此应当自己承担责任 C. 物业公司应当与该保安承担连带责任,但事后可以向该保安追偿 D. 物业公司是雇主,应当单独承担责任,但可以事后向该保安追偿 参考答案:C
第20题:[判断题]. (判断题,)Outsourcing some manufacturing to independent suppliers based in other countries would help firms capture more orders from that country. A.正确 B.错误 参考答案:A Learning Objective: 17.-04. Identify the factors that influence a firm's decision of whether to source supplies from within the company or from foreign suppliers.