第15题: [单项选择]After the ship is out of the harbour and in “Full Speed”, well change (). A. to fuel oil instead of diesel oil B. for fuel oil instead of diesel oil C. to diesel oil into fuel oil D. for diesel oil into fuel oil 参考答案:A
第17题: [单项选择]六十二岁女性,口腔黏膜反复起疱糜烂7个月。查体:上下唇颊侧牙龈散在数个小水疱,直径2~3mm,疱壁较厚,部分水疱已经破溃,可见残余灰白色疱壁,揭起疱膜可见红色溃疡面,探针不能探入溃疡面周围黏膜下,左颊部可见瘢痕形成除上述临床表现外,此类患者可能出现的症状或体征不包括() A. 结膜炎 B. 睑球粘连 C. 面部皮肤出现张力性水疱 D. 胸腹部皮肤出现松弛性水疱 E. 尼氏征阴性 参考答案:D