第15题: [单项选择]The English-Chinese dictionary of medical ______ compiled by Professor Smith was published recently. A. words B. expressions C. terms D. vocabulary 参考答案:C 答案解析:term指某一行业、活动、或某一方面的专门用语或术语,如 medical terms(医学术语),technical terms(技术术语),legal terms(法律术语),military te
第23题: [单项选择]Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard. A. The professor did not like her story. B. She was taking too many courses. C. She did not like the topic she had chosen tot her paper. D. She had trouble finishing her assignment. 参考答案:D 答案解析:[听力原文] What was the woman’s problem
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第24题: [单项选择]( )是建设工程安全控制的重点。 A. 人的不安全行为和物的不安全行为 B. 施工环境的危险源及劳动卫生条件 C. 制定安全管理制度 D. 预防可能发生的伤亡事故 参考答案:A