第7题: [单项选择]久卧伤 A. 气 B. 血 C. 肉 D. 筋 E. 骨 参考答案:A 答案解析:长期卧床,则阳气失于振奋,以致脏腑组织功能减退,体质虚弱,正气不足,抵抗力下降等,即“久卧伤气”。
第8题: [单项选择]从产业利润角度来看,现有竞争者之间的竞争程度考虑,以下选择项中最好的情况是 ( )。 A. 进入壁垒很高,退出壁垒很低 B. 进入壁垒很低,退出壁垒很高 C. 进入壁垒很低,退出壁垒很低 D. 进入壁垒很高,退出壁垒很高 参考答案:A 答案解析:[解析] 在这种情况下,进入将受到抵制,而不成功的竞争者会离开该产业。当进入与退出一个产业的壁垒很高时,利润潜力很大,但通常带有较大的风险。虽然进入行为受到阻挡,但产业里未获成功的企业将仍然待在里面坚
第11题: [多项选择]现在很多大学生打工赚钱 2.人们对大学生打工持不同看法 3.大学生是否应该打工 参考答案: [参考范文] Should College Students Take Part-time Jobs We all know that more and more college students take part-time jobs during their spare time. Some work as tutors, others serve as waiters or waitresses or even as models. Their main purpose is to earn some money to help pay for their education. Many people assert that college students should take part-time jobs. They believe part-time jobs are the first step to the society. College students have a lot of spare time and taking part-time jobs can widen their knowledge and enrich their working experience. It can help them quickly adapt themselves to the social life after they graduate from the university. It can also reduce the burden of their parents. In contrast, others are opposed to college students taking par time jobs. They claim par time jobs may take up the student’s learning time. Students who are busy with their jobs will ignore their study and campus life. After all, student’s primary mission is to study. I agree to the former opinion that part-time jobs have many advantages for college students. Besides supporting themselves, they can also acquire the valuable social experience and learn how to face challenges, which is helpful to their growth.
第31题: [单项选择]女性,50岁,主诉颈部不适,左肩及左前臂麻木、疼痛,行走不稳一年,加重月余。查体:颈椎活动可,左上肢大拇指皮肤感觉减退,左侧霍夫曼征阳性。X线片示颈椎曲度减小,各间隙高度正常,双下肢膝踝反射亢进,巴宾斯基征阳性。下列哪种诊断最准确() A. 肩周炎 B. 脊髓型颈椎病 C. 椎动脉型颈椎病 D. 颈椎间盘突出 E. 交感神经型颈椎病 参考答案:B 答案解析:行走不稳,双下肢膝踝反射亢进,巴宾斯基征阳性为脊髓受压的表现。