第16题: [单项选择]与其他股利分配形式相比,下列不属于企业分配股票股利优点的是( )。 A. 在企业现金紧缺时,可以稳定股利 B. 有利于改善企业的资金结构 C. 避免企业支付能力下降 D. 增加企业股票的流动性 参考答案:B 答案解析:[解析] 股票股利的优点如下:(1)可以避免由于采用现金分配股利导致企业支付能力下降、财务风险加大的缺点;(2)当企业现金短缺时,发放股票股利可以起到稳定股利的作用,从而维护企业的市场形象;(3)股票
第25题: [单项选择]甲公司在2005年3月与乙客户签订了一份为期12个月的建筑合同,约定合同价格为120万元,预计建筑成本为100万元。合同规定乙客户将分期支付合同价款,每笔40万元,其中,第一笔在合同签订后支付,第二笔在6个月后支付,最后一笔在建筑物交付使用时支付。在2005年末,估计成本为65万元。假设所有的成本均为现金流出,情况与预期一致,不考虑相关税费,则甲公司对该建筑合同如按完工百分比法计算,应在2005年确认的毛利为( )元。 A. 70000 B. 130000 C. 150000 D. 200000 参考答案:B
第32题: [简答题]Why is listening important in learning English? 参考答案:
Listening is important mainly for two reasons. First, we cannot develop speaking skills unless we also develop listening skills. To have a successful conversation, students must understand what is said to them. Later the ability to understand spoken English may become very important. Second, listening to spoken English is an important way of acquiring the language, while in our situation the students do not hear English spoken around them, so it is important for us to give our students as much opportunity as possible to listen to spoken English.