第2题: [单项选择]What is the most appropriate term when the seller must pay the cost and freight necessary to bring the goods to the named port of destination by a roll-on/roll-off vessel( )
A. FOB B. FCA C. CIF D. CPT 参考答案:D
第12题: [单项选择]DNA连接酶在下列哪个过程中不需要( ) A. DNA复制 B. DNA修复 C. DNA断裂和修饰 D. 制备重组DNA E. DNA复制、修复及重组 参考答案:C 答案解析:[解析] DNA螺旋的松弛和解链,需要有拓朴异构酶、解链酶及单链结合蛋白,不需要 DNA连接酶。修饰过程也不需连接酶。