第5题: [简答题]What cross-cultural differences can you find between English and Chinese thanks 参考答案:
Differences exist in what to thank for, how to thank others and whom to thank. English speakers usually express their gratitude for both minor and major favours others have done them, while Chinese speakers may omit the expressions of gratitude for minor favours. English speakers think it enough to say "Thank you very much. I really appreciate your help." when a major favour has been done them, while in the same situation Chinese speakers may express their gratitude repeatedly. In English culture people thank their family members for what they have done for them, while in Chinese culture family members seldom exchange expressions of gratitude.
第36题: [单项选择]枳实消痞丸的君药是()。 A. 大黄 B. 枳实 C. 厚朴 D. 神曲 E. 半夏曲 参考答案:B
第37题: [单项选择]解除有机磷中毒时烟碱样毒性作用,首选()。 A. 阿托品 B. 解磷定 C. 美解眠 D. 尼可刹米 E. 甘露醇 参考答案:B 答案解析:有机磷中毒时,烟碱样毒性作用是由于胆碱酯酶失活后乙酰胆碱过度蓄积和刺激所致,解磷定是胆碱酯酶复活剂,可恢复胆碱酯酶活力,从而分解乙酰胆碱而发挥治疗作用;阿托品可阻断副交感神经的毒蕈碱样作用,而对烟碱样