第28题: [单项选择]下面不属于决定价格总水平变动的主要因素是( )。 A. 货币供给量、总产出 B. 货币流通速度 C. 总需求和总供给 D. 产业结构 参考答案:D 答案解析:[解析] 决定价格总水平变动的因素包括货币供给量、货币流通速度、总产出、总需求和总供给。另外需要掌握各因素是如何影响价格总水平变动的。
第30题: [简答题]1) the thing you ask; 2) what you are going to do with it; 3)how long will you take it. You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use "Wang Ling" instead. (10 points) 参考答案:
Dear Jam,
Could I borrow your electronic dictionary for a few daysG I am translating an academic paper. There are many new words so that I have to turn to a dictionary. I have only a paper dictionary but of course it’ s not as convenient as an electronic one. So I think your electronic dictionary is more suitable for me to complete my work. I promise that I must be very careful of your dictionary and make no damage done on it. Thank you very much!
Wang Ling
第34题: [单项选择]某220kV终端变电所35kV侧接有电源,其两台主变一台220kV中性点直接接地,另一台经放电间隙接地。当其220kV进线单相接地,该线路系统侧开关跳开后,一般() A. 先切除中性点接地的变压器,根据故障情况再切除中性点不接地的变压器 B. 先切除中性点不接地的变压器,根据故障情况再切除中性点接地的变压器 C. 两台变压器同时切除。 D. 两台变压器跳闸的顺序不定。 参考答案:A 答案解析: 专业类型:继电保护 设备类型:变压器 难度等级:一般 电压等级:220kV 知识点:保护原理