第10题: [多项选择]·Manager will leave our company next week. You decide to have a farewell party for him. ·Write a notice to all staff: ·informing them about the party; ·saying when and where the party is; ·inviting them to the party. ·Write 30-40 words on your Answer Sheet. 参考答案:(for reference only) As you all know, manager will leave our company on Friday, BCrd this month. In order to wish him well in his new job, there will be a farewell party in Reception at E:C0. Everyone is invited.
第36题: [单项选择]婴儿腹泻易发生脱水的原因是() A. 体液少 B. 呕吐 C. 消化酶分泌少 D. 水代谢旺盛 E. 免疫功能差 参考答案:D 答案解析:因小儿生长发育快,活动量大、机体新陈代谢旺盛,摄入热量、蛋白质和经肾排出的溶液量均较高,体表面积大、呼吸频率快使不显性失水较成人多,所以儿童水的需要量大、交换率快,婴儿每天摄入和排出的水鞋占细胞外液量