第28题: [不定项选择]甲、乙签订了一份借款合同,甲为借款人,乙为出借人,借款数额为500万元,借款期限为2年。丙、丁为该借款合同进行保证担保,担保条款约定,如果不能如期还款,丙、丁承担保证责任。戊对甲、乙的借款合同进行了抵押担保,担保物为一批布匹(价值300万元),未约定担保范围。请回答下列题。设戊有布匹因不可抗力灭失;丙被宣告失踪,其财产已由庚代管。现甲不能偿还到期债务,丁偿还了庚的全部债权,丁的追偿权可向谁行使?() A. 可向甲行使 B. 可向庚行使 C. 可向戊行使 D. 可向甲、庚、戊行使 参考答案:A, B
第37题: [简答题]part 2 & 3Describe a retired person
What is young people’s attitude towards the old
Who should be responsible for taking care of the old And what are their responsibilities
What do retirees usually do for leisure
Do they feel happy after getting retired