参考答案:Welcome to our school and I’d like to introduce it to you.The tallest build- ing in the center of the school is our teaching building.Behind the classroom building,the playground with willows around it is our favorite place.On the right side of it is our lab,which is equipped with modern equipment.On the left side of it stands our beautiful library,in which there are all kinds Of books.Of course there are still other interesting places to visit.I hope you will have a good time.
第34题: [单项选择]氟尿嘧啶的不良反应是() A. 血尿、蛋白质 B. 过敏反应 C. 神经毒性 D. 胃肠道反应 E. 肝脏损害 参考答案:D
第35题: [单项选择]下列关于活血化瘀药的说法中不正确的是 A. 主归肝、心经 B. 入血分 C. 以通畅血行,消散瘀血为主要作用 D. 无耗血动血之弊 E. 孕妇慎用 参考答案:D 答案解析:[考点评析] 使用活血祛瘀药,应根据形成瘀血的不同病因病机,随证配伍温里散寒药、清热凉血药、祛风湿药、软坚散结药、理气药和补益药等同时应用。本类药物易耗血动血,对妇女月经过多及其他出血病证而无瘀血表现