第6题: [单项选择]A. She took the wrong prescription for her condition. B. She took the medication as directed. C. She forgot to take her medication last night D. She didn’t take the medication with food. 参考答案:D 答案解析:[解析] W: This prescription may be too strong for me.I took it when I woke uD in pain in the middl
第11题: [单项选择]喉腔最狭窄的部位是() A. 喉口 B. 前庭裂 C. 喉中间腔 D. 声门裂 E. 声门下腔 参考答案:D 答案解析:声门裂是喉腔最狭窄的部分,前3/5位于两侧声襞之间,叫做膜间部(声带部);后2/5位于两侧杓状软骨底内侧缘和声带突之间,叫做软骨间部(呼吸部)。声门裂附近黏膜下层比较疏松,发炎时可引起黏膜水肿,导致声