第15题: [单项选择]在外科病因辨证中,漫肿宣浮,或游走不定,微热不红,疼痛轻微的,属于 A. 风 B. 火 C. 寒 D. 湿 E. 气 参考答案:A 答案解析:风为阳邪,善行数变,故发病迅速,多为阳证,风性燥烈,风性上行,多侵犯人体上部,风邪致病特点为其肿宣浮,患部皮色或红或不变,痛无定处,走注甚速,伴恶风、头痛等全身症状。
[考点] 辨证。
第32题: [单项选择]A. He thinks it perfect for him. B. He is satisfied with everything he has. C. He is not satisfied with the place of his office. D. He is not satisfied with the salary he gets. 参考答案:D 答案解析:[解析] W: Congratulations!I heard about your new job. M: Thanks.Nearly perfect for me.It’s real