第8题: [单项选择]以下行为不属于常见管理性违章的是() A. 新入厂的生产人员,没有组织三级安全教育和《电力安全工作规程》考试合格 B. 特种作业人员,没有经过规定的专业培训,就安排上岗 C. 不按规定给职工配备必须佩带的劳动安全卫生防护用品 D. 没有组织生产人员进行触电现场急救方法的培训 参考答案:C
第10题: [单项选择]By the first sentence in Para.1, the writer probably means ______. A. education has acquired a pleasant value B. education is ignored by the public C. too much attention is paid to degrees in the workplace D. too little attention is paid to degrees in the workplace 参考答案:C