第4题: [单项选择]“教学与发展”的思想是()提出来的。 A. 赫尔巴特 B. 巴班斯基 C. 布鲁纳 D. 赞科夫 参考答案:D 答案解析:赞科夫提出了“教学与发展”的思想,故选D。
第5题: [简答题]不消说,相识的人数是随了年龄增加的,一个人年龄越大,走过的地方当过的职务越多,相识的人理该越增加了。可是相识的人并不就是朋友。我们和许多人相识,或是因了事务关系,或是因了偶然的机缘—如在别人请客的时候同席吃过饭之类。见面时点头或握手,有事时走访或通信,口头上彼此也称“朋友”,笔头上有时或称“仁兄”,诸如此类,其实只是一种社交上的客套,和“顿首”“百拜”同是仪式的虚伪。这种交际可以与是社交,和真正的友谊相差似乎很远。 参考答案:Needless to say,the number of acquaintances increases with one’s age.The older one gets,the more widely traveled one is and the more work experience one has,the more acquaintances one is supposed to have. But not all acquaintances are friends.We come to know many people either in the way of business or by mere chance-say,having been at the same table at a dinner party.We may be on nodding or hand-shaking terms, look up or correspond with each other on business,call each other "friend",sometimes write to each other with the salutation of" Dear So-and-So",etc.All these are,in fact,nothing but civilities of social life,as hypocritical as the polite formula dunshou (kowtow) or baibai (a hundred greetings) used after the signature in old-fashioned Chinese letter-writing.We may call them social intercourse,but they seem to have very little in common with genuine friendship. 答案解析:[评析] 1.不消说,相识的人数是随了年龄增加的,一个人年龄越大,走过的地方当过的职务越多,相识的人理该越增加了。 比较关系是语篇中的一种结构衔接关系。汉语“随了……增加”,“越……越
A. To see Cambridge University. B. To study in the colleges in Cambridge. C. To use the libraries of the university. D. To visit the professors there. 参考答案:A 答案解析:[听力原文] 18-20 "Where is the university " is a question many visitors to Cambridge ask, but no
第14题: [单项选择]关于人体的铁代谢,下列说法错误的是() A. 人体内的铁主要来源于食物 B. 人体能吸收的铁为三价铁 C. 女性铁的丢失形式主要为月经、粪便、哺乳、妊娠等 D. 合成红细胞的铁主要来源于衰老红细胞破坏释放铁的再利用 E. 人体铁的贮存形式主要为含铁血黄素和铁蛋白 参考答案:B 答案解析:食物中的元素铁在胃酸的作用下游离为离子铁,由维生素C等还原剂将高价铁变成无机亚铁,铁吸收的主要部位是十二指肠和空肠上段。
A. they thought they were richer than the Southern slave owners B. they were winners in the Civil War C. they wanted to show off their fortune D. they wanted to learn from the Southerners 参考答案:C
第35题: [多项选择]新《企业所得税法》的特点在于( )。 A. 统一实行25%的比例税率 B. 统一了工资、捐赠、业务招待费、广告费等项目的税前扣除 C. 税收优惠实行产业优惠为主,区域优惠为辅 D. 规定外资企业5年的过渡期 参考答案:A,C,D 答案解析:[解析] 《企业所得税法》规定,纳税人购买国债的利息收入属于免税收入,不征企业所得税。