第9题: [单项选择]How does Elizabeth’s company differ from Steven’s A. It is likely to become larger than Steven’s in the future. B. It has started to operate in more then one country. C. It has started to operate in more than one country. 参考答案:B
第24题:[多选题]下列违反治安管理行为的人中,依法应当给予行政拘留处罚,但不执行行政拘留处罚的有()。 A. 赵某,15岁,因多次拦截、追逐同班女同学苏某被公安机关发现 B. 钱某,55岁,左腿残疾,某日与邻居争吵时,公然侮辱他人,情节严重 C. 孙某,71岁,阻碍公安机关解救其儿子“买来”的媳妇 D. 周某,女,35岁,因非法储存少量罂粟壳被公安机关抓获。家中有11个月大的女儿需要哺乳 参考答案:ACD