第5题: [单项选择]下列不支持艾滋病诊断的是() A. 口咽念珠菌感染 B. 持续发热 C. 头痛,进行性痴呆 D. 皮肤黏膜出血 E. 慢性腹泻 参考答案:D 答案解析:存在下列情况两项或两项以上者应考虑艾滋病感染。①近期体重下降10%以上;②慢性咳嗽或腹泻1个月以上;③间歇或持续发热1个月以上;④全身淋巴结肿大;⑤反复出现带状疱疹或慢性播散性单纯疱疹感染;⑥口咽念珠
第33题: [单项选择]Which client has the highest risk of ovarian cancer A. 30-year-old woman taking oral contraceptive pills. B. 45-year-old woman who has never been pregnant. C. 40-year-old woman with three children. D. 36-year-old woman who had her first child at age 22. 参考答案:B 答案解析:The incidence of ovarian cancer increases in women who have never been pregnant, are infertile, or h