第15题: [单项选择]Compared to alternative energy, one of the disadvantages of fossil fuels is ______. A. Mining is difficult. B. It costs a lot of money to preserve. C. They are difficult to be processed. D. They are non-renewable. 参考答案:D
第28题: [单项选择]设有定义:long x= -123456L;,则以下能够正确输出变量x值的语句是( )。 A. printf("x=%d/n",x); B. printf("x=%1d/n",x); C. printf("x=%8dL/n",x); D. printf("x=%LD/n",x); 参考答案:B 答案解析:在语言环境下,输出long型数时,在%和d之间必须加1(L的小写);输出double型数时,在% 和f(e)之间也必须加1。