What was the building used as at the time of the fire A. A hotel. B. An old people’s home. C. A history museum. 参考答案:B 答案解析:“There were only a few elderly people living in the building at the time,”和“Five years ago,it was ma
第6题: [单项选择]判定支气管哮喘治疗有效最有意义的指标是( ) A. 呼吸功能检查 B. 胸部X线检查 C. 症状及体征 D. 动脉血气分析 E. 胸部CT检查 参考答案:C 答案解析:[解析] 支气管哮喘治疗的目标在于控制症状,减少发作,防止病情恶化,提高生活质量,延缓或防止不可逆性气道阻塞的形成,因此判定支气管哮喘疗效最有意义的指标是症状及体征。