第5题: [简答题]Write an essay in no less than 200 words entitled "Opportunities and Challenges with the Coming of Globalization ". 参考答案:
Opportunities and Challenges with the Coming of Globalization
Nowadays,the term’’globalization’’often appears in people’s talk.Like everything having two opposite sides,we will have great opportunities and challenges with the coming of globalization.
In the first place,in modern society,only those who grasp science and technology will become the master of the world.After globalization,we will have more access to the advanced science and technology which makes US well-informed of the latest development in every field concerning the growth of the power of a country.
Secondly,with the deepening of China’s reform and opening up,we would have more opportunities to get contact with different cultures and civilizations,which would to some extent enhance our country’s soft power.Mutual understanding is very important because it will increase soft power.
While globalization brings US opportunities,it poses US challenges.We have to admit that China is still a developing country,to be in the same arena with some superior players will give US much pressure.In the fierce competition,we may be influenced by other cul tures in a negative way.While enjoying the richness of other civilizations.it is quite possi ble that we neglect or even lose some quintessence of our own culture.
From what has been stated above,we may draw the conclusion that globalization is like a double-edged sword.No matter what kind of opportunity or challenge it presents us,we should have a right attitude towards it.As long as we get well-prepared,ali difficulties Can be resolved in the end.
第6题: [单项选择]确诊宫外孕(未破裂型),最可靠的辅助方法是 A. 妇科内诊,基础体温测定 B. 阴道后穹隆穿刺,基础体温测定 C. 基础体温测定,HCG测定 D. 尿妊娠试验,基础体温测定 E. B型超声波检查,尿妊娠试验 参考答案:E 答案解析:以上数种方法均可诊断早孕,但是最可靠的选择是C,BBT测定和血清β-HCG测定。单纯的BBT不是十分准确,和患者的测定关系密切。尿妊娠试验确诊时间,晚于血清β-HCG检测。宫外孕有尿妊娠试验阳性,B超
第10题:[单选题]影剧院里发生火灾后,应该选择的逃生路线是( )。 A. 按照人流方向选择安全出口逃生,选择疏散楼梯间撤离 B. 按照应急指示指引的方向逃生,选择人流量较小的疏散通道撤离 C. 按照人流方向选择安全出口逃生,选择消防电梯撤离 D. 按照应急指示指引的方向逃生,选择人流量较大的疏散通道撤离 参考答案:B