第9题:[单选题]( )I have lost dangerous goods of IMO-Class VIII in position 23°N, 126°E A.The vessel has lost a cargo of flammable liquids B.The vessel has lost a cargo of explosives C.The vessel has lost a cargo of corrosives D.The vessel has lost a cargo of radioactive materials 参考答案:C
第23题: [单项选择]有关端坐呼吸的描述正确的是() A. 多发生在夜间,睡眠中可突然憋醒 B. 体力活动时发生呼吸困难,休息可缓解 C. 休息时患者感到呼吸困难,不能平卧,被迫取坐位或半卧位 D. 体力活动时发生呼吸困难,口含硝酸甘油可缓解 E. 睡眠中可憋醒,被迫站立位伴咳粉红色泡沫痰 参考答案:C 答案解析:A、E为夜间阵发性呼吸困难;B为劳力性呼吸困难;D用来模糊呼吸困难和心绞痛这两个概念。