第5题: [单项选择]治疗虚证耳聋的主穴是()。 A. 听宫、风池、行间、太溪 B. 听宫、翳风、太溪、肾俞 C. 听会、阳池、胆俞、翳风 D. 听会、外关、阴陵泉、肾俞 E. 听会、翳风、中渚、侠溪 参考答案:B 答案解析:实证耳聋的主穴是听会、翳风、中渚、侠溪。手足少阳经脉均绕行于耳之前后并入耳中,听会属足少阳经,翳风属手少阳经,两穴又均居耳部,可疏导少阳经气,主治耳疾;循经远取侠溪、中渚,通上达下,疏导少阳经气,宣通
第34题: [填空题]Questions 4--8 Complete the following sentences with NO MORE THAN three words for each blank.
The major difference between a fast-food meal and a home-cooked meal is the amount of ______ eaten at a time. 参考答案:calories and fat 答案解析:Paragraph 8: The difference between a fast-food meal and a home-cooked one is the sheer quantity of