第13题: [多项选择]张某通过分期付款买卖向某汽车公司购买了一辆汽车,价款为25万元,预付20%后分10年付款,每年支付2万元。第一年,张某支付了2万元,以后连续3年,张某均以各种理由拒绝支付价款。此时,汽车公司主张解除合同而与张某发生纠纷,对此,下列表述中正确的有( )。 A. 汽车公司有权解除合同 B. 汽车公司有权要求张某支付全部价款 C. 汽车公司无权要求张某支付全部价款,只能解除合同 D. 汽车公司无权解除合同,但有权主张违约责任 参考答案:A,B 答案解析:本题涉及分期付款买卖问题。依《合同法》第167条规定,分期付款的买受人未支付到期价款的金额达到全部价款的1/5的,出卖人可以要求买受人支付全部价款或者解除合同。出卖人解除合同的,可以向买受人要求支付该
第22题: [多项选择]Discuss with your partner about culture differences in leadership.
job satisfaction
working attitudes and performance
参考答案:A: We noted a number of cultural differences in several motivation theories.
B: The research shows what simple, direct relationship between satisfaction and performance has not been found.
A: Another reason for the lack of a clear relation ship between satisfaction and performances is the intervening role of rewards.
B: Employees who receive valued rewards are more satisfied.
A: Culture affects working attitudes and performance.
B: Culture may also affect the factors that lead to job satisfaction.
A: Organizations face the challenge of operating in the global environment, and managers must understand that job satisfaction is significantly affected by culture.
第31题: [单项选择]关于化疗病人造血系统反应的护理,以下正确的是( )。 A. 化疗后24小时内及时使用细胞刺激因子,以升高白细胞 B. 病人体温37.5℃时需给予药物治疗 C. 每日监测病人白细胞计数 D. 应严格卧床休息 E. 禁止家属探视以避免感染 参考答案:C 答案解析:[解析] 化疗的护理