第24题: [单项选择]What do we learn about NCLB A. It proves to be a perfect educational program. B. It doesn’t focus on test scores in reading and math. C. It has negative effects on subjects not tested. D. It has results in constantly tested subjects as expecte 参考答案:C 答案解析:[听力原文] 1-5 M: Good evening. Today we have Dr. Diane Ravitch with us. She was once as one of the m
第35题: [单项选择]有学者探究道光皇帝为什么把他的墓修筑得比其他帝王墓都要矮小。北京师范大学历史学院龚书铎教授说:“是因为‘在他手上打了败仗丢了土地,没有面目见先帝’。”这里所说的“土地”是指______。 A. 澎湖列岛 B. 香港岛 C. 台湾 D. 辽东半岛 参考答案:B 答案解析:道光帝于1821-1850年间在位,1842年中英签订《南京条约》割让香港岛给英国。1895年中日签订《马关条约》割让辽东半岛、台湾及其附属岛屿、澎湖列岛给日本。由此可知本题答案厘为B。