第31题: [单项选择]患者女性,20岁,出现伴哮鸣音的呼气性呼吸困难3小时来院。查体:意识不清,呼吸点头样,大汗淋漓,听诊双肺满布哮鸣音,血压75/60mmHg,立即予补液,气管插管呼吸机辅助通气。关于呼吸机参数设置,下列哪项是不对的 A. 低潮气量,低呼吸频率 B. 延长呼气时间 C. Pplat<30cmH2O D. PEEP>10cmH2O E. PEEP<PEEPi 参考答案:D 答案解析:[解析] 根据题干信息考虑患者为重症哮喘,重症哮喘患者存在肺过度膨胀,为减少机械通气的并发症,尽量采用低潮气量、低呼吸频率、延长呼气时间的通气方式。对PEEP在哮喘中的应用,至今仍存在很大争议。对于每
第35题: [简答题]假设你叫李明。你于一个月前从正大商店买了一台录音机,但是现在录音机老是出问题,不断的“吞”磁带,而且你已经被“吞”了四盘磁带了。请你就此问题给商店写封投诉信,要求商店对你所购买的录音机进行修理,如果修不好,希望能够退货或换货。 参考答案:
(1)Dear Sir,
(2)I am writing to complain about the poor quality of the goods sold in your store.A month ago,I bought a cassette player in your store.But since the day I bought it, (3)it has ruined four of my favorite cassettes,which is a great loss to me.And I can not use it anymore.I think it is obviously defective and the quality of it is so unsatisfying.
(4)1 want you to repair it for me.If you can’t repair it well. I expect you to exchange it with a good one.
I choose to complain to you because I am sure you can solve my problem.(5)And I do hope you can deal with it as soon as possible.
I’m looking forward to your early reply.
(6)Yours sincerely,
(7)Li Ming