第3题: [单项选择]发生在控件接收焦点之前的事件是 A. Enter B. Exit C. GotFocus D. LostFocus 参考答案:A 答案解析:[解析] 本题考查的是常用事件。下面来分析一下4个选项,选项A Enter是进入,发生在控件实际接收焦点之前。选项B Exit是退出,正好在焦点从一个控件移动到同一窗体上的另一个控件之前发生。选项C
第12题: [多项选择]发问是思想的进步,研究的动力。一切知识的获得,大都从发问而来;新发明、新创造也常常由发问开端。能发问、勤发问的人,头脑自然会日益丰富,眼光自然会日益敏锐。别人不肯动脑筋的地方,他偏会想出惊人的见解;别人以为平常的事物,他偏会看出不平常的道理。我们虽然不一定人人能成为大科学家、大思想家,但是不能不求知识,不能不明道理。要求知识、明道理,处处都会碰到问题。不能勤于发问,是多么可惜啊! 参考答案:Questioning is the progress of mind and the motivation of study. All the knowledge is acquired through questioning, and inventions or innovations often start from questioning. Those who question and are diligent in questioning are in possession of an increasingly enriched mind as well as increasingly sharp vision. He can offer amazing views on things that people would least set mind on; he can make unusual sense out of things taken as common by ordinary people. Although all of us cannot be great scientists or great philosophers, we should not give up learning or understanding. Questions are so common in the pursuit of knowledge and on the way to understanding. What a shame to be not diligent in questioning!
第22题: [单项选择]下列各项中,哪个是依法享有对直辖市中级人民法院院长任免权的机关( ) A. 直辖市人民代表大会 B. 直辖市人大常委会 C. 直辖市人民政府 D. 直辖市高级人民法院 参考答案:A 答案解析:《人民法院组织法》第三十五条规定:地方各级人民法院院长由地方各级人民代表大会选举,副院长、庭长、副庭长和审判员由地方各级人民代表大会常务委员会任免,在省内按地区设立的和在直辖市内设立的中级人民法院院长