According to the schedule,the touring party will visit Yu Huatai today.If you don’t want to carry heavy luggage around with you, you can leave it in the Left Luggage Office and pick it up later. Please keep the receipt so that you can claim your luggage. The sightseeing bus is non-stop. Don’t get off during the journey unless the driver says that there is a stop for toilets or food and drinks.
第13题: [单项选择]下列关于自然循环回路的设计原则说法正确的是( )。 A. 自然循环回路中的上升管由许多串联的管子组成 B. 一般情况下,热负荷偏小的管子流速大些 C. 如果热负荷偏差很大,其循环水流速可能很小甚至接近于停止流动 D. 一般情况下,热负荷偏大的管子流速小些 参考答案:C
第18题: [单项选择]急性菌痢病变特点() A. 小肠黏膜充血肿胀、松弛,表面有灰白糠皮状薄膜 B. 肠黏膜急性弥漫性渗出性炎症 C. 正常肠黏膜上有孤立小脓肿及溃疡 D. 肠黏膜弥漫水肿及肠壁增厚 E. 全身单核巨噬细胞系统增生性反应 参考答案:B 答案解析:1.急性菌痢病变特点是急性弥漫性渗出性炎症。2.霍乱病变特点是小肠黏膜充血、肿胀、松弛,表面有灰白糠皮状白膜。3.是伤寒病变特点。