[单项选择]An 18-year-old primagravida tells the nurse that the physician told her that she needed to increase her intake of thiamine (vitamin Bi) in her diet. Which of the following foods should the nurse instruct the client to consume more A. Milk. B. Rice. C. Asparagus. D. Bee
参考答案:A 答案解析:Good sources of thiamin include pork, liver, milk, potatoes, enriched cereals, and enriched breads.
第11题: [单项选择]霍乱弧菌为 A. 革兰染色阴性有鞭毛杆菌,呈短杆状 B. 革兰染色阴性无鞭毛杆菌 C. 革兰染色阴性有鞭毛杆菌,呈逗点状 D. 革兰染色阳性菌,呈短杆状 E. 革兰染色阳性双球菌 参考答案:C 答案解析:霍乱弧菌为革兰染色阴性有鞭毛杆菌,短小弯曲,呈逗点状,运动活泼,分 O1群及非O1群的O139霍乱弧菌两种。