参考答案:·I hope I can be an administrative manager in the middle level of our group. ·I’ve decided to work harder so I can be a deputy manager of our department at the least.
第37题: [单项选择]中国公民方某为某出版社专业作家,月工资4000元。2015年12月该出版社出版了方某的中篇小说,支付稿费4000元,同月方某从电视剧制作中心获得剧本使用费20000元。记2015年12月方某应缴纳个人所得税()元。 A. 3663 B. 3643 C. 4273 D. 5313 参考答案:A 答案解析:
第38题: [单项选择]One of the effective ways to lessen environmental pollution is the reservation and protection of more swamps . A. vast thick corals B. pockets of wet land C. warm volcanoes D. millions of bees and wasps 参考答案:B 答案解析:名词辨析。swamp沼泽,湿地,煤层聚水洼:The swamp country is inclined to poach in winter.这片沼泽地带在冬季一踏就陷下去了。pockets of w