第6题: [单项选择]关于空间分辨率的影响因素,下列叙述中正确的是( ) A. 频率越高,则纵向分辨率越差 B. 实际上,轴向分辨率约为波长的1/2 C. 横向分辨率仅与声束宽度有关 D. 声束越宽,侧向分辨率越差 E. 近场与远场的空间分辨率相同 参考答案:D
第7题: [单项选择]What did the widow do to the police and the County Council officials A. Because they could move into new flats with more rooms than their old ones. B. Because they liked to move into new flats. C. Because they could move into new flats not far from their old homes. 参考答案:C