第7题: [填空题]From the conversation, we know that he was born in (1) , India. 2. He started school in England when he is (2) years old. 3. He studied (3) languages. 4. He have written (4) books all together. 参考答案:six 答案解析:当被问会几门语言时,他说:“About six.”。
第12题: [单项选择]一个3岁小儿平均血压正常的,是( )。 A. 8.0/5.3kPa(60/40mmH B. 11.5/8.7kPa(86/58mmH C. 12.8/8.0kPa(96/60mmH D. 13.3/8.0kPa(100/60mmH E. 14.7/10.7kPa(110/80mmH 参考答案:B 答案解析:[考点] 小儿心脏、脉搏及血压特点
[重点等级] ★★★★★