第11题: [单项选择]When a bill emerges from the Senate and the House, it is usually referred to a ______ composed of equal number of members from each house to resolve the differences. A. revenue committee B. standing committee C. permanent committee D. conference committee 参考答案:D
第20题: [单项选择]肾上腺素对血管作用的叙述,错误的是 A. 皮肤、黏膜血管收缩强烈 B. 肾血管扩张 C. 微弱收缩脑和肺血管 D. 骨骼肌血管扩张 E. 舒张冠状血管 参考答案:B 答案解析:肾上腺素对血管作用通过激动α受体,使腹腔内脏(如肾血管)和皮肤黏膜收缩,激动β2受体,使骨骼肌血管和冠状血管扩张。