第15题: [单项选择]患者,程某,男,80岁。因心力衰竭入院。目前吸氧、药物治疗。老人听力略有下降,牙齿完全脱落,语言清晰度下降。与老人沟通时不适当的做法是 A. 将患者关键的话予以复述 B. 护士对自己的话语适当地重复 C. 尽量用开放式问题进行提问 D. 注意目光交流 E. 运用手势、触摸给患者反馈 参考答案:C 答案解析:[解析] 患者牙齿完全脱落,语言清晰度下降,提问时应尽量采取闭合式问题,既有助于清晰、快速地得到信息,又可以避免老人过度劳累。
第19题: [单项选择]A. Every student possesses unique potentials and abilities. B. Everyone has to make a difference to a positive earth. C. Communities play a critical role in the children’s growth. D. Communities play a critical role protecting the earth. 参考答案:B 答案解析:[解析] Q: What is the most important thing for the Green Charter Schools Network